Thursday 24 September 2009


What is Cinematography ?
Cinematography in its simplest terms is having control over the Camera and the Lighting. but that is just the basics, as a cinematography you hold and important role in the whole film making process. ranks as highly as directors cinematographers have a lot of power and say in how each shot looks. Their role is to make sure that each and every shot is following the whole theme of the film by controlling the lighting and the camera, this will make the audience move to the emotions and feelings they are while watching a certain film, if the cinematography is correct.
Janusz Kamink , who is an cinematographer and has worked on ; Saving Private Ryan, Minority Report, Shindlers List and Indiana Jones :the Crystal skull, said that cinematography is " a profession that allows you to show the world who you are" this means that the art of cinematography is a very personal one and different individuals have different ideas.

Art of Cinematography

Cinematography is classed as an art and likened to photography because it involves the manipulation of camera and lighting the only difference is that the images in cinema are moving instead of still. As two persons drawings of the same thing could never be the same , so can two cinematographers work never be the same, because it is down to the individuals own creative ideas that the camera is positioned or moves in this or that way or the lighting is like this or like that.

I have learnt a lot from this video above.
from other definitions I have read, Christopher Doyle makes it seem more of an art an creative and sometimes spontaneous thing. He said that cinematography is "Translating your ideas into images" this meant to me that all the ideas i have in my head of how i want to portray my film are possible on camera with the aid of mis en scene and the correct lighting and camera movements.
He also said that the "movements between the camera and the actors is a dance" a lot from that statement also , I took it to mean that I should be creative with my camera movements , like dance.I shouldn't limit myself to just still shots and boring pans or even keeping the camera on the tripod , maybe even try it hand held moving or following the actor and not having the actor to think about having to keep in frame which will allow them to act more freely and naturally.
Not only will the camera and the lighting help portray the themes I am trying to get across in my film , but the location plays a vital role as well because no matter how good my camera operations are or our lighting is if the location isn't correct it will not look good or represent what I am trying to portray.
"Why this story happens is because it happens here"

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