Thursday 24 September 2009

It wasn’t clear how we will show the difference between the past and the present.

From our pitch it wasn’t clear how his wife actually died from the way we described the death it sounded like suicide.

We wasn’t clear about how we were going to show the voice over the video

There were many little things we need to clear up in our story.

The way we explained it seems like it will most likely to run over 5 min, which is what we are limited to so that me a problem.

There seems to be nothing going on in the middle of our story, it sounds boring and may lead to our audience loosing interest.

When we pitched the our idea our feedback was positive on the beginning and the end of our story , our audience liked the way it linked with the two quotes and the fact that we had and old radio at they beginning a tv at the end showing the contrast in the time period.

There is not enough character motivation which will lead this man to confess this, and why would someone listen to a person who has just killed their sister it came across unrealistic.

They also told us that it would be hard to show the violence without making it looks silly.

When we pitched our idea, they said that some thing was lacking and they didn’t feel that the flashbacks and narration would be enough to carry the story.

Our story was perceived as too predictable, they wanted to see more of what drove him to this sudden confession and they wanted to see more of his back story and what lead him to religion, on student said that they felt they were hearing about the 2part to a film because so much of our main characters back story was missing. They wanted to see more of what lead him to religion and they want that transformation to be displayed.

Why would he call his sisters in law of all people to tell they story to, and why would she listen it doesn’t seem to make sense to our audience.

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