Thursday 12 November 2009

These are the film posters with a similar story or that consist of some sort of child abuse.

Sunday 8 November 2009

What is the purpose of a film review?

Film reviews are vital to any film, this usually decides how well a film does after it is produced. It is used to let audience know what is out there and what is good and what isn’t. The job of a good film review is to keep promoting the film after it has been released just as a poster would promote the film before its release.

Film Critic:
What is the purpose of film reviewing?

Monday 2 November 2009

The main colours used in this posters are black and Red. Red is the most eye catching colour , and it has been proven by scientific research has been used to prove this. But in this poster the red and orange has been used through fire to represent danger and action , and anybody who likes action films or danger in films will be drawn to this poster and may feel to find out more about this film. The womans hair is even red which shows that she is a dangerous and the gun helps with this connotation.

The black on the woman connotaes some sort of mystery and it has alot of sex appeal for the male viewers of this poster and some men alone my go and see the film just to see this woman in it.

The woman is in the front of the frame in the middle third and she is the only person in the poster so clearly all the attention is meant to be upon her, and you can see throught the way she is dressed , the gun (which represents danger) in her hand and the location in where she is , that she has something to do with the militery of some special forces , and anybody who likes seeing these things in movies will be interested in this film. Like i said before the fire in the background represents some danger and action that will be in the film and fans of this genre of film will be interested in watching.

There are both visual and textual messages used in this poster , the visually messages give the connotations of sex appeal and danger and action . But the writing "Gi Joe" the fans of this show in the past will be keen on seeing this movie just to make sure thet they got things correct of just to see how the will translate the comics and the cartoons into a hollywood film.

I think this poster is trying to attract a young audience , around the age below 27 because people aged below this will be attracted to thi sort of film , because of the genre the colours and images represent.

Posters are meant to be persuasive , and all poster are intened for the same idea to attract a certain type of audience. But the way this posters is different is that it uses a woman to attract a male audience more to come see the film because it uses a "sexy" woman. Also the name of the film is very important because if you do not recognise the film you will when you see the name. And as i have mentioned before G.i joe is a very big Cartoon and comics for alot of adults and children, so just because this is called G.i joe people will go and see this film , thats why the name is writtern in big letters.

This Woman is used as a UPS. she is a famous actor who has been in several hollywood films such as dumber and dumber , Star trek and also feautred in 17 episodes of Alias. she also used to be a modle so people who have seen her and liked her in whatever she has done previously would be interested in watching this film.

The main colours used in this poster are Red green and black. The black represents some sort of mystery, which it’s on all sides of the poster; the green represents some sort of military force or peace and the red, danger and action. The green and the red are on opposite sides which represent some sort of good verses evil.

The title is an important symbol for the poster. This is because G.I.JOE is a very popular comic, action figure and TV in the past 2 decades and fans of any on the G.I.JOE products will be interested to see how their interest will be represented in a Hollywood blockbuster.

The characters are the main figures in the poster. The two men on either side are shown both frowning but in a different light, one has a green tint and the other a red one, representing good and evil. They are also dressed differently one in a suit and another in a generals outfit. As they are both the largest characters on the whole poster, this must mean they are very important or they have high authority over the rest of the characters.

There is also another character in the middle whose identity is unknown to us. This is very good at attracting a view because you want to know who he is, why we can see every body else’s face but his and why is he so important to be in the middle.

We also have another two characters but this time in the foreground , you can see they are both dressed the same so it looks like they are par of a team even though they take up opposite sides and they are holding their weapons in non threatening was making them look like good guys.

We also have another woman character directly in the middle to the bottom of the poster and in the background also, she looks like the baddie of the film as she has he weapons in a threatening position and she is screwing her face.

we see another character on the side of the general and smaller with a firing gun , showing that he is of high status but not as high as the general.

All these characters are interesting to the view because it looks like so much is gong on, attracting them to go and watch the film and what out what is going on.

Even though all posters have the same goal, the all achieve it in different ways. In this poster the way it is achieved is by using an individual character to appeal to different bits of the audience. The women characters appeal to men and boys because they are both dressed in tight out fights and are very good looking. Those good looking males appeal to the girls and the women in the audience. And the general appeals to anyone in the audience who is interested with military operations. They are also dressed in usual outfits which almost look futuristic. And the genre is clear shown thorough the images; this is an action film and anyone interested in watching action films will want to watch this.