Saturday 12 December 2009

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Our Ancillary tasks were a Poster and a Magazine review.

The purpose of a poster is to promote the film before it is released so it will persuade people to go and watch it when it is. The poster cannot be dull or boring because that is not attractive and that will not lead to people going to watch our film. It must consist of colour, text and images, just like ours. Whilst laying out the blue prints for our poster we must keep in mind certain representations we want to portray and also themes which I think our poster did very well.

The purpose of a film review is to carry on promoting the film after it has been released. This is done by prestige critics watching the film, forming an opinion, making a judgement and then writing about it. How well a film does is dependent on how good a review it gets. But resting on the fact that our film is excellent the review will be good. And those who would read it will go and see the film if they haven’t already.

The film and the poster worked really well together because the poster really portrayed issues that will be highlighted in our film. Such as something dark and bad (monster) represented by the black back ground, and the door slightly being opened as if something or someone is creeping into the room. Happiness is also portrayed as you can see the girls smiling, in the foreground whilst on a colourful round about, through this you can also see the loneliness in the main image where the two friends are seated on one side and our main character is all on her own. All these things shown in the posters are very dominant in the film. The poster also gives clues to possible settings of the film; there are leaves at the top in the foreground and a tree which makes up a boarder featured in the poster, which suggest some sort of green area or a park which is in our film. Also at the top of the poster the title Monster which is written in children hand writing matches the opening sequence of the film and the whole story line because she is writing her story while she is telling it. This along with the girls in uniform gives and idea that this film has something to do with or set in a school. All these things put together seem quite random and maybe confusing, just as our film is right until the end. The poster promotes the film very well it makes the viewer curious and influences them to go and see the film. And if they were to view the poster again after watching the film they will see everything on the poster makes sense and is there for a reason, and has a direct link to the film. Plus our 3 poster we created all go together and have a house style. As they all clearly link to our film they all clearly link to each other. This is recognised by having a black background consistently through all of our posters, our main character always in the foreground, we also have the title written exactly the same throughout, our tag line is consistent through each 3 posters and the trees and leaves are always featured in the each of the poster. This gives the posters a house style and links them in with each other, even if the title wasn’t on each of them you could still tell they were of the same film.

Our film review works to promote our film after it has been released.

We mimicked the Lay out of Film Magazine to make it look professional and real. Our film is also reviewed on the same page as the best new films out at the moment; this means that our film is one of them. So when someone is talking about good film, monster will get a mention. Also the 4 and 3 star ratings that it has received from the times and empire promote the film really well because people who respect the critics opinion will be drawn to the film .also our film is at the top of the review page with the largest picture, showing that it is the highest rated film on that page over a lot of other top films, this sells the film very well. The description about the film is very enticing and would make anyone want to go and watch the film if they haven’t already. Certain quotes would keep the reader interested and make them want to see the film more “ all she is scared of in this world is a monster” the review also asks questions that can only be answered by watching the film.

But the posters job isn’t done when the film has been released , it still aids the film review in promoting after the film has been released various other posters can be brought out , maybe to appeal to different audiences in different countries.

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