Saturday 12 December 2009

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Various types of media technology were vital in the planning, research and evaluation stages of my work.

The internet was a very important form of technology to help us with all three stages. When we were asked to come up with an idea for our production in the 1st place, we found our self routing through several websites, such as weird and crazy stories, interesting facts, newspaper websites and a lot more, from this stemmed the back bone which would form our final out come. Also a lot of research for each individual part of production was important, I used the internet to help inspire more interesting lighting through my cinematography research, I found more interesting ways of opening my film through research I done on soul bass, I even realised how important posters were when researched 3 different posters for the same film and found specific connotation which appeal to audiences. All this I learnt, and researched with the aid of the internet. When we were watching films on the internet for ideas they were all free to watch, but if the internet was not available to us we would of had to buy or rent the films which would have wasted time and money and we wouldn’t have been able to as watch as many films as we did, which would have limited ideas.

Photo shop was used this year in the making of our posters and also used to join together my mood board. Using Photoshop allowed us to create a more professional and real poster which will appeal better to our target audience. It also didn’t limit our creative minds when thinking of ideas to include in our final poster.

Photoshop was also instrument in producing our mood booards and through this we were able to portray a clearer picture to our audience of what our film was about. If we didn’t have Photoshop and we used another programme like paint it wouldn’t look as professional as our work ended looking.

We used a Cannon HD camera also, now by doing so I helped (like Photoshop) to create, a more professional and overall better final production. This camera along with the tripod allowed us to capture many more interesting, shot movements, angles, and types with out cheapening the quality. It is also a HD quality Camera and with all new television being made in HD it really helped us keep up with the times. Also using the camera to record straight onto the tape made it that much easier to just upload all our rushes and being editing our production, and with every thing being digital we were able to upload our film easier and the computer was able to read it with no problems. We were able to perform non liner editing because of the tape were able to cut easier in between shots. Also that fact that the camera records in digital and not straight on to a reel of film also helped avoid problems that would other wise have been there, such a portability. We were able to move around fairy easily with our camera, tripod and small tape, all this made changing shot angels, position of the camera and even scenes easier and more time efficient, which was instrumental in keeping our filming within two days.

Blogger. This provided us with an interactive log where we could display our work for every one to see and of course this will have it benefits. such as, making it easier to get feedback from our peers and teachers, it also allowed us to access from home so we could always update our work wherever we are, it allowed us to place findings from the internet directly onto the blog and it laid a platform down for us to present our work to the examiners marking us.

This also aided us in receiving message form our teacher by viewing the department blog, any work they would set us would always be accessible from anywhere in the world. Blogger was an excellent communication device not only for our teachers but for our group too, if we didn’t have blogger, the project would have moved much more slower and it wouldn’t be clear to everyone what was going on, because if you missed something important you could always go a check upon what it is you needed on the blog.

Other new media technologies such as Face book, Twitter and My space has helped me in using a blog as it is not that different from all three, and by me using these social networking sights has made me automatically more familiar with the blogger sight that much more and made it easier for me to navigate around it and operate through it. Also MSN Messenger was used to communicate with our group outside school and to send links and ideas to each other that we have found and to update each other on work, this really helped for the communication within our group.

Also the on screen projector was also very important for feedback on all our products made in this project , poster , film and review, we were able to receive feedback from a mass audience at on go which save us time and it made it easier for them to see our products. If we didn’t use this we would have wasted a lot of time and our products may not have been to the standard that they are.

Another new technology was also introduced to us this year that wasn’t used in that last. Premier editing software was used in the editing of our work this year, again like other technologies mentioned it enabled us to create a more professional and high quality final product. this was accomplished with many new effects and features that wasn’t available on Avid last year, even though it was new to us , I got used to it very easily because the layout was similar to the previous software used but with more features.

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